• Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Are they trying to render the United States and the Constitution irrelevant?

Jul 8, 2023

In his book, HG Wells asserts the necessity of a singular world government to be the sole proprietor of land. Wells explicitly states that once a global economic order is established, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank of International Settlements will impose a political and social structure. The intention concerning the United States is not to overthrow its government or Constitution, but rather to render them irrelevant. This objective has largely been achieved by gradually implementing the socialist manifesto authored by the Fabian Society in 1920, which was based on the Communist Manifesto of 1848. The U.S. government routinely violates the Constitution with impunity, exemplified by executive orders such as engaging in war without a declaration, as witnessed in the Gulf War. Such actions have served to diminish the significance of the Constitution, as executive orders are proclamations that exceed the president’s rightful power and authority—powers typically reserved for monarchs.

In 1945, the U.S. Senate received the United Nations treaty and was given a mere three days to comprehend its implications. Not only was this insufficient time to understand the document, but the senators also lacked a proper comprehension of its content. Therefore, they should not have voted on it. Had they truly understood and debated the document, it would likely have been rejected. Besides other considerations, the treaty was inadequately written, exhibiting vagueness, deception, and contradictions. A law, which a treaty constitutes, must be clear and unambiguous. The UN treaty fell short of meeting these standards.

The United States, bound by its constitution, cannot ratify the UN treaty due to the following reasons:

  1. The U.S. Constitution relies on the principle of sovereignty, which is crucial for its existence. U.S. foreign policy is based on the principles of natural law and international relations, which recognize the importance of sovereignty. Although the Constitution does not explicitly address global governance bodies, when the Constitution is silent on an issue, it indicates an inhibition or prohibition of that power.
  2. The United Nations is not a sovereign entity as it lacks defined territory and exists within U.S. territory, specifically the building provided by the Rockefellers. Under the U.S. constitution, the nation cannot enter into a treaty with anybody or a country lacking sovereignty. The United States can only make agreements with non-sovereign countries or bodies, but it can never engage in a treaty with an entity lacking sovereignty.
  3. The Senate’s attempt to ratify a treaty with a body or country lacking sovereignty, defined boundaries, a currency system, and a cohesive set of laws or constitution (in this case, the United Nations) would constitute a betrayal of their oath to uphold the constitution. Such an act would be considered treason.
  4. For the United States to become a member of the United Nations, two constitutional amendments would need to be passed. The first amendment would recognize the present form of the United Nations as a world body. However, the Constitution cannot acknowledge the United Nations as such. The second amendment would grant the United Nations the ability to have a treaty relationship with an unincorporated world body. Neither of these amendments was ever proposed or accepted by the Senate and ratified by all states. Therefore, the highly questionable United Nations treaty never held legal status in the United States, both in 1945 and at present.

As things stood in 1945 and continue to stand today, the president possesses the authority to influence foreign affairs. However, the president does not possess, nor has ever possessed, the power to enter into an agreement or treaty with a global body. This fact unequivocally means that no other global entity, specifically the United Nations, has the jurisdiction to deploy American servicemen and women or to order the United States to act outside the constitutional restrictions established by the nation’s founding fathers.

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